Friday, January 19, 2007


Last week, a prominent Texas Baptist chastised me, saying “you seem to enjoy gunny-sacking every time a new episode emerges.” He said other arrogant, foolish things, but that one stuck with me.

There is absolutely nothing at all that I “enjoy” in hearing about new “episodes” of clergy child molestation. I felt that reality in the pit of my stomach today in reading about the Missouri case. Thirteen children were horribly wounded by a minister they trusted, and the man likely could have been stopped so much sooner if only other Baptist leaders had taken action.

I grieve when I read reports like that. I anguish over them. For the love of God, I do not understand how so many religious leaders can seem to care so little.

New "episodes" like this may be repugnant to hear about, but I will continue to talk about them and to try to shine light on the problem. It's a shame that a Baptist leader would call that “gunny-sacking.” I call it “working to try to make kids safer.”

[Read more : the Missouri case shows many of the common patterns in how Baptists leave kids at risk by failing to adequately address clergy sex abuse.]


  1. we as christians should be up in arms about the leaders that protect
    sexual predators within the church
    I am sickened when I hear coments that bringing this up
    AND TRYING TO STOP IT is somehow "harming the cause of Christ"
    what is harming the cause of Christ is to allow the abuse to continue
    by covering up or
    God forbid
    not talking about it and holding these sick people accountable in a courtroom
    how about the harm it does to the ones being used and abused??
    These are children!!
    I thank God for the ones on the front lines that will not sit down or be quite
    and that will keep fighting
    shame on all who will not stand up
    and do something!!
    Debbie Lighthall

  2. I do not know what gunny sacking means. What I do not understand is why they do not want to face these things? Do they not read scriptures?

    Are pastors have become 'hirelings' and not shepherds. They fear bad publicity and legal accountability more than they fear God.


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