Saturday, June 21, 2014

SNAP at the 2014 SBC annual meeting

SNAP was at the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting June 11 in Baltimore, handing out flyers and urging Baptists to get serious about dealing with clergy sex abuse and cover-ups.

The evangelical "good-old-boys" network is just as effective at covering up clergy sex crimes as the Catholic hierarchy, said Pam Palmer, a SNAP member who spoke with the media there.

This problem is not going away, and the sooner Baptists start responsibly addressing it, the safer kids in Baptist churches will be.

Thank you to SNAP!

SNAP seeks independent review of abuse handling by prominent SBC churches, ABP News, 6/5/2014.

Special Note:
To the person who wrote the May 16, 2014 comment on my "To the People of FBC-Orlando" post: Please email me.